Monday, October 19, 2009


for the lack of posts. I know that you all continue to care and pray for us. The past few weeks have been a blur. We are planning many things for the future of Cody's Crew. We definitely want to continue the 5K and Tot trot. What a huge success it was and we raised over $12,000.00. The yard sale was another great success. We are blessed with great people who work very hard for this cause. One of the ideas we are kicking around is having a 5 mile or 10K in the spring. This will be more runner oriented. We are talking about having it at one of the local parks so we will not have to run on the road. Another very big idea that is in the very early stages is a Relay Across America. This will be a massive undertaking and we will need some very good sponsorship. It will all hinge on sponsorship and if we can get a major network or the media to take notice. We are all about the attention. We must get the word about neuroblastoma out there.

On a family note. This past weekend was very exciting to say the least. We kept Justin home from school on Friday because he was showing signs of the flu. So, Diane's mother watched Justin at home. I received a call from Diane about 3p.m. and she told me that I need to get home ASAP. Apparently Justin had just finished taking a bath and when he was getting out of the tub he collapsed on the floor. When he fell he hit his head on the tile floor and cracked the back of his head open. We had to rush him to the ER where he had a CT scan and ended up with 6 staples in the back of his head. We were at the ER until 7:30. It reminded me just how much I hate hospitals. Diane said she wished she was still running to Georgetown everyday. For that matter so do I... We miss Cody..

My marathon training has been going pretty well. We are less than two weeks away from the New York Marathon. I will be taking the train up on Halloween and running the next day. Then I will be staying the night after before coming home on the 2nd of November. I'm also pretty sure that I am going to run a marathon in early December. I figure since I'm already trained up I might as well stay at that level of fitness and keep running marathons as long as the opportunities present themselves.

That's about it for now. We are very grateful that you all continue to check in on us. We continue to take life one day at a time. Some days are harder than others. Nobody said it would be easy. God bless you all.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Another Angel...

It is with a heavy heart that I post today. Pierce Phillips has earned his wings today. Please drop by and pay your respects to his family..

September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month) has come and gone with little notice. One week later the NFL players are wearing pink in honor of Breast Cancer. What is wrong with this picture? Somebody has got to take notice that our children are dying. Future presidents, lawyers, doctors, mommies and daddies... All gone before their time... Why? Doesn't anyone care?