Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
May 8th Relay For Life
it's funny that you asked about the Relay For Life. I have been asked to be the Honorary Chairman for the opening ceremonies. I get to say a few words when they kick things off. Since I'm a talker that is right up my alley.. :) Seriously though, I'm sure I will have a tough time keeping my composure. But, I think it is something I have to do. I need to mention neuroblastoma as much as possible because even most cancer survivors have never heard of it. I hope to see you both there...
Visit our website
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's been a while, I know...
Life has been a blur. Daniela and Justin have many things going on now. Staying busy is the best thing for them right now. Us too.... I took Daniela to Father/Daughter bowling on Saturday night. We didn't get started until late so we didn't get home until midnight. We both had a great time but we also both agree that 3 games were probably a little much. I won't be going pro anytime soon I know that...

Justin had his first Boy Scout camp out this weekend. No Dad this time. He seemed very tired when he got home yesterday so he must have had a good time. He and I go for our swim test on Tuesday night as a requirement for the canoe trip we will be taking next month. I can't wait for that. It sounds like a blast. I know he is going to love it.
Diane seems to be getting back to her old self a little everyday. We still miss Cody so. He and his spirit are everywhere in this house. The four of us constantly mention to each other that "Cody would like that" or "This was Cody's favorite." Here is a picture of something that Daniela wrote in the driveway. She didn't know that Diane saw it. It pretty much sums up the way we are all feeling right now.
I'm not sure what the stuff to the right is but you can see what she was trying to say.
The weather has turned very hot the past few days. It seems as though we skipped spring and jumped right into 90 degree summer temps. I have been getting back into my running. It seems as though it will be the vehicle that carries the word of Cody's Crew Foundation. More and more of my friends at Runners World Forum running races and raising money in Cody's name. We had our first board meeting last week and getting things ready to roll. We are planning many fund raising events including a 5K race. If all goes well it will be a yearly event.
Logos are coming in as I type. There are about 10 days left until I post the entries. Once one is picked it will be the face of Cody's Crew. We will put it on everything.
I ordered the new Cody's Crew bracelets yesterday. They are going to be camo like the others but instead of saying just Cody's Crew, they will give the web address.
I thank all of you for continuing to check in. I promise to try and post a little more often. Please check the web site. I have added a new page called "Kid of the Month." There I will honor a child who presently fighting the beast and an angel who is playing with our Cody... Please check them out....
God Bless!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
8 Days Remaining!!!!
"8 MORE days to donate money to Cody's Crew!
The whole month of April I am donating all profits - that is 30% of every sale will be donated to
Cody's Crew Foundation!
Go to my website and order anything and it will be shipped directly to you! That means you can order from anywhere in the United States and from the comfort of your own home!
Just cut and paste the link above into your browser window. I seem to be having issues with linking this site.
For those of you who don't know, Cody was in my daughter, Maggie's, class and Justin is one of my student's. The Johnson's have been kind enough to let me into their lives and share their memories of Cody and all he stood for - the pirates, the bravery, and everything else that made him the little man he was! This is the least I can do to help them, help others!
If you have any questions or just want to buy a few things that I may have it stock, the same 30% donation applies! Across the board the Month of April is Cody's Crew Foundation Month!"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
In the books...
First off, I'd like to thank all of the great Masters that went the extra 50 miles to raise money and awareness to neuroblastoma and Cody's story. We had a very tough but wonderful time. We had the greatest group of people you could ask for.
From right to left in the back, ritchie26385(Ritch), Wolfgate(Richard), GettingOlder(Kirk), Tony Mollica,
Middle row right to left, Meka(Shannon), Tankini(Susanne), Geel(Karen), Geetah(Bill), MangoAK(Donna) and Deck Ape down if front.
We had an awesome time. Bill made the flag and that flag stayed moving the whole 24 hours. Toward the end of the race when it was dark and the trail was lonely it became spiritual. I spent much of my run talking to Cody. I know he was watching us and he is very proud of us. When the pain became unbearable for me I just thought of what Cody had went through and my pain seemed to disappear. I will write more later or tomorrow but I since I got home before the others I wanted to get this great picture out there.
Unfortunately Mango hurt her foot and was unable to go the distance she wanted but she represented very well and hope she mends quickly. As for the others, we all made 50 miles and some did more. Meka place 3rd in the women's group. Bill was holding back due to his trip in 3 weeks to represent the USA in Italy. But Bill holding back is 10 times better than the rest of us going full out. Thank you Bill. Also, Meka gave up her chance to run Boston to be with us. A double thank you... You guys are the greatest.
Thank you Bill for putting this together. Thank all of you team members for making the trip and sacrifice for such a great cause. I love you all.
So far we have raised over $1000 from this event. Thanks to this great group of people....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Come on now people!!!!!
On another note, Diane has gold children's cancer pins for sell on the website. Just go to Shell City on the site....
Come on people!!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Cody's Crew Is Live!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cody's Crew Logo Contest!!!!!
The entries can be submitted one of two ways. First you can send a hard copy of your logo to:
Cody’s Crew Foundation
P.O. Box 2578
Manassas, VA 20108
The second way is to email it to me@
I would like to set a May 10th deadline for all entries. At which time Diane and I will pick 5 entries. Then I will post the 5 entries on the web site and let all of you choose the winner. I'm not offering any monetary or material reward for this contest. The real reward will be knowing that your piece of art will represent Cody and his foundation. All entries to this contest become property of Cody's Crew Foundation and will be copy righted as such.
As for the family - it's just not the same. The void that is present is indescribable. There is no little boys voice, no tantrums, no excitement, no playing...only silence. We are reminded of our loss everywhere we go. Justin & Abby are doing as well as can be expected. They have had some problems at school but mostly minor. Diane has not been able to find any happiness yet and still yearns to hold Cody in her arms.
I will soon have the Cody's Crew website running. It will be accessible but still under construction. I hope to upload the tape that was played at Cody's funeral. It is a collection of pictures set to his favorite songs from his Ipod.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April is Cody's Crew Month.....
The whole month of April I am donating all profits - that is 30% of every sale will be donated to
Cody's Crew Foundation!
Go to my website and order anything and it will be shipped directly to you! That means you can order from anywhere in the United States and from the comfort of your own home!
For those of you who don't know, Cody was in my daughter, Maggie's, class and Justin is one of my student's. The Johnson's have been kind enough to let me into their lives and share their memories of Cody and all he stood for - the pirates, the bravery, and everything else that made him the little man he was! This is the least I can do to help them, help others!
If you have any questions or just want to buy a few things that I may have in stock, the same 30% donation applies! Across the board the Month of April is Cody's Crew Foundation Month!"