I'm not quite sure what I will write about on this blog. I guess I'll tell a little about myself to start off.
I'm a happy father of 6 kids. I know, I know, I didn't plan it that way, thats just the way it turned out.
I'm a Western Pennsylvania boy who has lived many places since leaving for the Navy in 79. Just in case there was any question, I bleed Black and Gold! I'm a Steeler, Pirate, Penguin and Pitt fan. I now live in Northern Virginia and work as a Systems Security Manager for a small defense contractor. I love my job and the people I work with.
Within the last year I've started running again. I've completed two marathons in the past 6 months. My first was the Richmond Marathon which I completed in 4:44:44. Kinda freaky huh? :D My second was the Wirefly National Marathon in D.C. I completed that one in 3:50:13. I never entertained the thought of doing marathons until I started frequenting the Runners World Masters Forum. There are many great people there, a wealth of knowledge and support for runners young and old. I decided after my last marathon that I'm going to try my best to qualifying for Boston. I turn 45 next month so I have to knock 20 more minutes off my time. I've already signed up for Philly in the fall. It boasts the most BQs of any qualifying race. For those of you who don't run, you can't just sign up for Boston you have to run one of the certified Boston Qualifier races. Depending on your age group you must meet a specific time. For me, that will be 3:30:00.
Besides running my life is a full as it can be. My three oldest children are from my first marriage. The oldest two Mickey Jr. and Corie are now grown and on there own. My third child is Joshua who lives with his mother in Jacksonville NC. He will be starting to drive soon so she will have her hands full. My youngest three are from my present marriage. Justin, Daniela and Cody. These three keep my wife and me going nonstop. As crazy as they make us, we love them with all our hearts.... I'm also now a grandfather. Corie had a beautiful little girl and named her is Mackenzie.
On September 4th 2004 our lives changed forever. Cody, our youngest then two was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma.

I would hope that not even my worst enemy would have to watch their child go through this. Cody had a stem cell transplant on 3/14/05.

Above is a picture of the best Christmas ever. We didn't think he would be with us a year earlier. We thank God everyday for what he has given us. Cody will be turning 5 on September 11th and is doing great. (knock on wood!) He is the strongest person I know. He will always be my hero. I will never have a thing to complain about again.
Nice Deck!! 6 huh?!
Karen, I'm a slow learner. It took me a long time to figure out what was causing all those kids... :D
Congrats on the sub-4 marathon. Maybe I saw you at the Wirefly Marathon... what a nasty day, though, eh?
Linny, thank you very much. It was nasty but it was also perfect for running a marathon. I thought that I would be content with running one under 4. After the winter training I was burnt. Now I'm more hungry than ever. I'm running Philly in the fall and I'm going to try my best to BQ...
Yaaay! Deck is now a bloggin' fool! I am looking very forward to reading yours regularly. I love the pics you've posted already, and as you would say, "More, more, more, more, more!"
Thanks Lilly, back at you... Actually your blog kinda got me motivated to do this.. :D
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