Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I don't think that I have mentioned it before because I was hoping it would resolve itself. Cody has been limping for quite some time. He hurt his leg when we were in NY for Thanksgiving. He still has a very noticeable limp which doesn't seem to be getting better.

Diane has taken him in today for blood work and she hasn't mentioned if the results are back yet. She did tell me that they did an X-ray of his leg and they are concerned with what they are seeing in his knee area. She said that Dr. Abu-Gosh is on here way down to look at the slides. We may have a bone scan coming up soon. This raises flags for us because limping is a major sign of neuroblastoma. That would be a sign that it is in his bones. That would also be devastating. It would be a sign that it has returned and advanced dramatically. I pray that I am overreacting.

I just got off the phone with Diane. Cody has a lesion on leg. He will be getting an bone scan tomorrow morning. This is just insane... How can this happen while he is getting 3f8? This disease is pure evil...

I asked Diane if she posed the question to the Dr. if this could be a result of the fall while he was in NY. The Dr. told Diane that she believes the beast has returned. He will get the scan tomorrow and he will have an MIBG next week to determine how much it has progressed. I pray they are wrong but I just don't feel good about this. I can't or should I say I don't want to put my thoughts into words right now... I will post tomorrow when I get more info...

Pray for our boy please....


Anonymous said...

I pray to God that it is not as
serious as it could be. I'll be checking in quite often,so please let us know as soon as you get word.Please, please God, don't let
it be all that bad.God Bless our big guy and please give us good news.God bless you all Mickey.

elizabethnyc said...

Mickey, sending up every positive thought and prayer I can...

Anonymous said...

Mickey my family and I are praying for good news, please keep us posted and know that we are thinking of and praying for Cody!


TiredMamaRunning said...

Mickey, all my thoughts and prayers go to Cody, you, and your whole family.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are here and are coming full force. May it be wrong. may it be wrong.
Know that I am praying so very hard for Cody right now.

tww1980 said...

My prayers are with Cody and your family Mickey.........may God look out for Cody.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all. If there is ANYTHING else I can do please let me know.

Unknown said...

Hey DeckApe & Family,

Checking in from Korea and sorry to see the post there and the the possible bad result.

Praying hard for Cody!

Gregory (Pudov)

Anonymous said...

Mickey and Diane,

We continue to keep Cody close in thought and prayer, as we do your entire family. I pray that this is not a returning case of neuroblastoma. We will keep praying. If you need anything-please don't hesitate.

Sherry Will

Anonymous said...

Mickey, my prayers are being sent to you, Cody, and your family. I sincerely want this to go away for him and your family. Please God watch over Cody and make him well.


Anonymous said...

We remain thinking positive for Cody and continue to pray for your whole family. If there is anything that we can do for you please do not hesitate to ask. We are free for anything you may need over the next few days...if you and Diane want to be together for Cody's tests we can help with childcare...just let us know. You need anything let me know.
My thoughts are with you!

Anonymous said...

Adding my prayers for Cody.

Mickeyd from Runnersworld

Gettin Older said...

Mickey, I'm speechless. We will continue to pray.

Cap'n Ron said...

Again, know that I am sending every ounce of positive energy I can muster Cody's way. I can not begin to describe my sense of helplessness at the challenges you deal with on a daily basis. You are and will remain my hero! God bless you and yours!


Anonymous said...

Mickey, it just can't be! He and you and Diane have been fighting so hard. It just wouldn't be fair. Not that you didn't already know all this.

Praying for Cody and the rest of the family. Praying that good news will come you way.

Susan and Jonathan

Anonymous said...

We're praying for Cody and your family. May the ultimate physician place his healing hand on Cody.


Kentucky USATF said...

Oh Mickey- I don't know what to say. Keeping you all in our prayers,


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and your family always!!! Always think positive until told otherwise!! God never gives us more than we can handle and he must believe that you and your family are pretty damn strong!!!