Cody made some new friends this trip. All these boys have neuroblastoma.
They just want to be kids... No matter what, you can't take that away from them.
Today is Justin's birthday. He is 10. "Happy Birthday Justin."
This is Cody's new best friend, "Brodie."
We went to the New York Firemen's Museum on Thursday night. Cody loved it..
Do you think he liked this place?
The firefighters love Cody too. He looked so serious.
Just loving life... :D
I have been checking the BLOG off
and on all day long looking for the
pic's and they sure are great!!!
For all that he has been thru,the
BIG GUY can still smile and make
new friends. GOD BLESS him,he sure
deserves it. I know you were both
glad to get home and I'm sure that
Justin was glad that you got back
to celebrate some with him.I was
thinking about Justin also and hope
my card got to him in time.My,My,My
10 yrs old already.Hope you can all
enjoy Sunday together & get caught
up on some much needed rest.
I'm going to hit the sack now and
I'll be checking in Sunday.Have a
good night and GOD BLESS.
LOVE the pix ! Thanks for sharing. No question Cody has a 1000 watt smile ! Glad he had some buddies to play with in NYC !
Have a wonderful Sunday at home ! Positive thoughts and prayers continue. G2G
He really does look like a firefighter there with the hose and the jacket on. LOVE IT! Happy Birthday to Justin, a day late. Praying for ya'll.
Susan and Jonathan
Wonderful pix!!! Cody looks GREAT.
Happy Birthday Justin, I hope you had some cake and that it was yummy!!
The pix are fantastic, Mickey, thanks so much for sharing those with us all! That's great that Cody got to meet a couple firemen while you were at the museum. Cody's tough, just like the firemen! :-)
Awwww, these pics are GREAT! I have pics of Aaron and Adam in firefighters' gear when they were that age also ... back in the day when Trey Lawler was driving the newest fire engine! Boys and their toys :-)
Praying for ya'll!!!!
Hey Bro, awesome pics, he is a tough little man! Love ya!
Great pictures. Good to see Cody SMLILING after all he has to go thru. He is the toughest little guy. God bless him and all his friends. Glad he can enjoy these special moments. My boy just turned 11 yesterday & I know how blessed I am. Keep fighting- I'm amazed at your strength, patience, optimism. We'll keep praying...
Jim (ACCA)
Beautiful pictures- beautiful faces. Justin looks quite pleased with himself...a double digit birthday. Happy Birthday and welcome to the "tweens".
Wonderful pictures! Thanks for posting.
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