Tuesday, August 5, 2008

He is feeling much better....

Cody has recovered from his constipation and is feeling much better. He is still getting many antibiotics for the fever he had the other day. His appetite is a little off but we are working on that. His blood numbers are still at rock bottom. They could stay that way for a few more days before they start heading up. Time will tell.

He could be in here for another 10 days or so. It all depends on how quickly he recovers.


Gettin Older said...

Yay, I'm glad he was able to get some relief. Healing prayers

Anonymous said...

So very glad to hear he is feeling
better and hope his appetite soon
improves. GOD love him he has gone
thru so much.Too bad he has to be in there so long but its for the best until they are sure of things.
Does he ask about going home? Later,

Kentucky USATF said...

Hooray for some progress! So glad to read that he's feeling better.


Anonymous said...

Mickey, I haven't had a chance in the last couple of days to write, but the prayers have continued. I am glad to hear that he is doing better. Continuing to pray that he gets better soon so that he will be able to come home.

Susan and Jonathan

Kati Craig Forholt said...

always sending up more prayers Mickey.

Today is a good day!

Anonymous said...

Mickie, thanks for sharing the video of the transplant, it is truly amazing what they can do now a days. When Megan had hers it was not done by drip, but rather they had to push 9 huge syringes. I continue to pray that this treatment will be the one that takes Cody over the top on his road to recovery.

God Bless

Unknown said...

Hey you guys. It was great to see you at Brass Camps a couple of weeks ago. We are praying for Cody and for strength for M&D and the family too. I have been following a prayer chain at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and realized it was your Cody that we are praying for all along. You have many diligent prayer warriors in that group that pray for Cody to get through this. With GOD's love he will!

Prayers and Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

Prayers your way Ape family