Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just checking in.....

Things are going by at quite a clip. After arriving here on Sunday afternoon we unpacked and went straight to the beach. The house is a stones throw away from the beach. It is a wonderful 4 unit building that is very well kept. The organization that owns it and sets up these vacations is "Believe In Tomorrow." They do so much to make your stay a memorable time. They have scheduled many things for us to do this week. Companies and businesses provide free meals, tours and services that we can pick and choose from. Monday evening we went to a seafood restaurant for all you can eat crabs. Those of you who know me, know that I love blue crabs and it couldn't get much better than that. As is the case at home, I get the kids eating and then by the time I get to eat they are done and want to got do something else. Yesterday we went to the beach in the morning and then we had a trip scheduled to the Coast Guard station. We were suppose to go out on one of their boats but the sea was too rough and they didn't want to take us out. The families got to tour the boats and the kids were able to check out every nook and cranny. They went into the engine room, the galley and even got to sit up at the helm. They really did love it but we were all disappointed that we weren't able to go out to sea. The day ended with "arts and crafts", a cookout for the families at the beach house and then they had professional photographers there taking pictures of the kids. In the evening each family was scheduled to go down by the ocean for family portraits. It was a wonderful time.

Tomorrow morning I will be getting up with Cody and we are driving back to Georgetown. He has to get the first of the daily shots that prep him for the 3f8 treatments. They just want to monitor him during the first one to make sure he has no side affects. The rest will be given by me. Diane will be taking him up to New York on Labor Day to start the treatments the following day. They will have to stay through the weekend because he will get 5 doses. With Labor Day being Monday he will not be able to start until Tuesday. We still don't have all the results back from MSK from last week but as I always say, "no news is good news."

We should have many great pictures from this trip but I have no way of uploading them until we get home. I'll probably post one more time this week to let you all know what is going on. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers.


Gettin Older said...

I'm so glad you are having a good time, When you get a chance, we need you over at RWOL. The Den Moon is back, and for some reason most of the guys over seem to be getting grounded. (I swear it was nothing I did ;))

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the trip to the beach is going to so well. I hope you made the kids wait a little while you had a few blue crabs. Definitely good news that you are starting the first of the shots for the 3f8 treatment. I hope all goes well. Enjoy the rest of the time at the beach.

Susan and Jonathan

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time at the beach. All you can eat blue crabs...heaven on earth! I can't wait to see the pictures. Prayers for the start of treatment.
God Bless

Kentucky USATF said...

Thanks for the update. It's so great to know you are all having such a wonderful time together.


Anonymous said...

Was hoping to hear from you and so glad it was all about the good time the family is having.. "Believe"
in Tomorrow sounds like a great
organizaiion. By the way,I DO KNOW
YOU & your BLUE CRABS. You are the one that introduced me to them....
I just know Cody is loving the
beach & make sure you get pic's of
the kids & you two on the beach too
Will be checking in often to see if there is more good news.God BLESS you all.....

elizabethnyc said...

Sounds like you're all having a great time, so glad to hear that! Looking forward to seeing those pix... :-)

Have a great time the rest of the week, and prayers continue for good results and good treatments for Cody!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're getting in a bit of relaxation. I have read your blog intermittently and my heart goes out to you, Cody, your wife and your two other children.

Now enjoy those blue crabs :)

- heather (harrietcat)