Saturday Diane and I worked on that tree for a few hours. It's going to take a few weeks to get that cleaned up. I went to the Wine Festival on Saturday for a few hours. Just as I was leaving the clouds started to roll in. It was hot, hot, hot! Diane, Cody, Chris, Mary Ellen and I went to the Washington United soccer game Saturday evening. The United kicked the crap out of New York. Cody had a great time.
Sunday I got an early start on that tree. When I went in for a drink of water I heard Cody raising cane in the bed room. It turns out that he had a ear infection and Diane had to take him in to Georgetown. He got a shot of antibiotic and he is doing great today. Cody and I had a great father son day today. We went down to the neighbors pond to run his radio controlled boat that Diane got on sale. I think it will turn out to be an excellent investment. I have some great pictures...
A quick word on Corporate Angel. I found out from a fellow BOP member, Caryn Franco that AOL is no longer flying out of Dulles on Mondays and Fridays. Also, they are fazing out the VA operations and moving everything up to NY. The reason I'm posting this is very important. Corporate Angel makes the very hard situation of traveling to NY for treatment much more bearable. If you know of any company that travels the Eastern Corridor from the Washington DC area to the New York area please let me know. Like us, the medical bills are over whelming and will have to wait until Cody's treatments are done but when you add the cost of getting up to New York into the mix it will be a back breaker. This is a major deal......
Beautiful pictures! He looks like he's having a ball.
Great news on the quiet weekend and all the test coming back. I have been running like crazy and not dropped in here in a few days, but I continue to pray. Wonderful pictures. I'm glad y'all had a good time.
Hey always thinking about you and your family! prayers always coming your way.
great pix...I think I want one!
Looks like a great day! Glad you got to enjoy it. Still praying!
Susan and Jonathan
All the pic's are great but my favorite is the very first one. It
just seems so special!!!!! Glad you had a rather good weekend even if you and Diane did some work on the fallen trees. What did the big guy do while you two were working on the trees???? Hope everything is
fun for the kids at camp. Sorry to
hear about the ear infection. As if
the big guy doesn't have enough
pain in his life GOD BLESS CODY..
When I made my last comment, I
meant to tell you HAPPY FATHER'S DAY and I'm glad to hear that you & Cody had a great time together.
Thanks for all the great pic's.
Will be in touch later.LOVE YOU ALL
Wonderful pictures of Cody - I thought he was fishing when I saw the first one - but a motorized boat? How FUN!!
Glad everyone's chugging along and you're having some peaceful time together.
Hugs to all,
Hi ya Deck, Cody & Family,
Gj checking in here to see how My Little Buddy doing. I am sorry to hear that Cody has, or had an ear ache. All I can say is What a fighter, what a fighter! Sure must take after his mommy & daddy for sure :)
Prayers going Heavenward for all.
Till Later, God Bless
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