Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednsday night

Well we are gearing up to go home tomorrow. They are planning a big Christmas party down in the clinic. Santa is coming with some of the DC Police on their Harley Davidson Motorcycles. One thing about kids being in the hospital, there are many people and organizations that donate toys and time. It is very nice to see that people really care about kids.

Cody is suppose to get platelets and his GCSF before we go home so hopefully he can get it done early. If he gets that done we won't have to come back until Monday...

Oh yaaaaa!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What great news that Cody is going to get to go home!!!

Let the positive news continue for Cody and the complete family!!

Hugs to Cody, Pat (ACCA-NCC)

Kentucky USATF said...

Yippee!!!! You all must be soooooooo excited!